Did You Know You Can Actually Influence How You Age?

At 67 years young, I've never felt more alive.

I have confidence now that I wish I had in my thirties...I wake up every day with nearly as much energy as my 20-something great nieces and nephews.

I’ve found fun ways to stay in shape and feel years younger...and I’m outperforming women (and men) decades younger than me.

I’m flourishing—and you can too.

If you’re an executive, entrepreneur, or go-getter with big dreams, goals, and ambitions, and are feeling apprehensive about aging, then this exclusive invitation could be just what you’ve been waiting for:

Did you know you can actually influence how you age? While most women age forward, I’m aging backwards.

I know that sounds sensationalized, but it’s real:

Science shows there’s a difference between your chronological age and biological age.

Chronological aging is the norm. You simply allow time to take its toll on you like everybody else does:

But I refuse to accept chronic aches and pains, prescription drugs, walk-in bathtubs, saggy skin, and a boring or dependent lifestyle as my future.

Conventional aging isn’t for me—nor the entrepreneurs, executives, leaders, and achievers I work with:

Not only can you take control of your biological clock, you can go so far as to rewind it!

It may be unconventional thinking, but it's the only way to grow older and perform better.

But no doctor will tell you that, no medicine will make it happen, and fitness (no matter how diligent) and nutrition (no matter how strict) are not enough to continually live better and accomplish more as you grow older.

That’s why I'm cracking the code on biological aging, and I’m excited to show you how to do the same.

After uncovering many methods to influence the aging process, including age-defying scientific principles, I experimented on myself and experienced the difference.

Then I guided dozens of other women like you through the same transformation I went through.

(I’ve included a few of their stories at the end of this letter so you can see exactly what they’re saying)

The bottom line is you don’t have to accept the effects of aging just because you’re “getting older”—a proactive woman like you can actually beat aging to the punch and accomplish more now than you did back then.

Can you imagine being introduced to a vibrantly alive, physically fit, mentally sharp woman with a long list of accomplishments and a particular “glow” about her that radiates her success, confidence, and joy in living, then later discovering she is years, if not decades, older than she seems?

That woman could and should be you.

That’s why I’ve assembled the leading aging experts in the world, the best science-backed strategies, and all the support and guidance you could need in one place to help me help you rewind your biological clock, defy Father Time, and continue to make your mark on the world at any age.


So your later years are your best years... period.

I call my all-in-one age-defying virtual mentorship and community Flourish After 50, and there’s nothing else like it out there:

Not only will you be part of a dynamic community of bold and ambitious women kicking aging to the curb, you’ll get the tools, resources, and support to create your personalized plan for looking, living, and performing your best from this day forward.

This is your golden ticket to make your later years your most rewarding years.

But before you apply for this life-changing experience, here’s just a small sample of the anti-aging wisdom and performance-boosting guidance inside that will ensure you continue to flourish in all aspects of life:

Step 1:

Customize Your Nutrition

To Optimize Your Body, Mind, Memory & Energy

Discover how to eat right at any age—without completely giving up your favorite foods, starving yourself, or feeling miserable.

  • Practical ways to permanently eat well that work better than any fad diet or one-size-fits-all scam

  • Healthy foods that make you fat and fatty foods that make you healthy.

  • How to choose (or make) healthier versions of your favorite foods so you don’t have to give up the foods you love.

  • Did you know sugar accelerates aging? And fat gain? I’ll show you how to sweeten foods without sugar, and healthy foods that can satisfy your sweet tooth.

  • The world’s best (and worst) brain foods: Discover which foods starve your brain—and which foods fuel it to beat brain fog and stay sharp.
  • How to feel fuller longer: If you’re struggling to lose weight, constantly find yourself fighting cravings and snacking, or are simply sick of feeling bloated or heavy, this could be a total game-changer for you.

  • Forget an apple a day—try an egg a day! Why you should eat an egg a day starting now (yolk included).

  • The delicious juice that some scientists believe can help prevent strokes … your secret weapon against Parkinson’s … and olive oil’s anti-Alzheimer’s benefits.

  • Plus, how to measure any food’s impact on your energy and body before you eat it … secret ingredients that impact your skin and appearance … and foods and supplements that can stop stress in its tracks and quickly ease anxiety.

Step 2:

Develop Your Lean Body System

To Feel Strong, Powerful & Resilient

Tone up, build and maintain muscle, exercise smarter and sleep better to rewind your biological clock so you look and feel your very best inside and out.

  • Right (and wrong) ways to workout as you grow older. Here’s the thing: Your activities should change as you age.

  • How to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer so you always wake up recovered, refreshed and energized.

  • Build a routine that works for you right now and discover simple ways to tweak it later so you continue to get results.

  • How to exercise your brain so it stays strong and you stay sharp
  • The 8 best beginner exercises that give you the biggest bang for your buck—if you need to work around mobility issues or if you’re worried about injuries, start here.

  • Why you should never weigh yourself more than once a day.

  • Simple exercises you can do at home, without any equipment, and in one minute or less, to stave off disease and live healthier longer.

  • Unconventional ways to jazz up any boring, stale, or bland workout routine so you stay active, and avoid plateaus.

  • How lifting weights can almost immediately change your life and how to “bounce” your way to great health.

Step 3:

Feel More Confident Now

Than You Did Then

Stand taller, smile bigger and make your self-worth soar.

  • How to assess your life and track your results: Get a “snapshot” of your entire health in mere seconds, pinpoint what’s holding you back and see what you need to devote more (or less) time to.

  • Cutting-edge apps, tools and exercises to ease worry, anxiety and depression.

  • Train your brain for positivity and flip negative thoughts into positive thoughts so you stay happy no matter what life throws at you.

  • Nature’s anxiety cure.

  • How to live without regrets.

  • How to cut your stress in half, counter anxiety and scientifically triple your happiness.
  • The power of laughing: How laughing can boost your energy, relieve minor aches and pains, and scientifically strengthen your immune system.

  • How to dress to your body shape so you feel confident from head to toe.

  • How to make your skin glow again.

Step 4:

Get Excited

To Live Inspired

Tap into a goldmine of simple, proven and fun ways to inject excitement back into your life so you always feel inspired, empowered and motivated.

  • 9 ways to make life more exciting at any age

  • Let’s go soul searching! 15 key questions to ask yourself to discover your passions and uncover what might be missing from your life right now.

  • 3 easy ways to clear up mental clutter to quickly find calm, peace and harmony.

  • How to “plant”, “feed” and “water” new dreams at any age.

  • The power of gratitude: Studies show daily gratitude increases self-esteem, and reduces materialism, envy and self-centered tendencies. Let me show you how to count your blessings—not your burdens.

  • The ‘7 Lovely Logics’ that help you make peace with the past, so you don’t spoil the present.

  • How to unleash your creativity in ways you’ve never thought of.

  • Little pick-me-ups you can experience daily to make life more exciting in the spur of the moment.

  • Plus, how to create your own natural energy …

  • How to always find the good in the bad, and how to keep going when you feel like quitting.

Step 5:

Develop Your Anti-Aging Team & Rituals

Create your own anti-aging routines and rituals by gleaning age-defying wisdom, advice, habits and resources from others.

  • How to scientifically delay chronic disease.

  • Everything you need to know about cryotherapy, acupuncture, tapping and other anti-aging modalities to discover what’s worth trying and what will actually work for you.

  • Books that move you to action.

  • Great ways to start your day and great ways to end your day

  • How to choose the right doctor for you—and the #1 question to them.

  • The ‘9 Attitudes of Mindfulness’ and why you need them right now.
  • How to assemble your very own anti-aging team: The pros and cons of chiropractors, massage therapists, hypnotherapy and more. This is your very own masterclass on complementary and alternative medicine.

  • Life advice from the oldest, happiest and healthiest women in the world.

  • How to get out of your comfort zone.

  • You’ve heard the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It’s true! I’ll show you how to get healthy before you can even get sick.

Remember, time is short and life is precious…

So if not now, when?


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